Juhi is a 20-year-old Delhi-based model. She is well known in the fashion industry for her classic Indian looks which are highly sought after nowadays.

How were you discovered?

Being 20 years old, I was confused about how to enter the modeling industry. I had a passion for modeling but I remember being very naive and raw, a girl with no experience in the Fashion Industry.

I was clueless yet enthusiastic. So I did some digging and research regarding the Delhi-based reliable agencies whom I could trust blindly without any doubt. One day, I was scrolling through an agency’s page and after being analyzing it somehow, I felt that this was the one for me. From that very moment till now I consider myself lucky and fortunate to be a part of Runway Fashion Management. This agency saw the hidden talent in me.

Best modeling experience so far?

I have had many moments of my own and learned from the same. But one of the best experiences that I’ve had so far was from the day when I was supposed to work with camels, not one, not two, but three. I was scared as it was twice the size of a human and there were slight chances that I probably would run as fast as I usually could than in those 5 inches heels. I had to put my fear mode aside and rather switch my model mode “ON”.

I was being a model at her best even though paranoid about the camel. But it only took me a couple of minutes to actually form a bond with those beautiful creatures. Then and there, the fear was all vanished. I still reminisce the moment as I had forgotten the fear and was only enjoying the very experience of standing so close and uptight to them. And after that it was the end, I and the camels rocked the show. We were a family of our own.

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Currently, you’re obsessed with/about?

Nowadays I am obsessed with the REELS feature on Instagram. I am crushing over posting Fashion and Fun reels. Everyone is home in this lockdown and I love taking out time for myself, doing my makeover, getting ready, and creating something that represents me. It’s super fun and obsessive!

What is your favorite Brand?

It would be difficult for me to choose one brand so I would rather say it’s a tie, fair tie between Zara and H&M as I am a shopaholic, loves to experiment with clothes, have my own aesthetics when it comes to making a choice. I usually buy my essentials and garments from either of them as both are trendy, super economical, and give a fair deal for the money.

What is something you’ve always wanted to do/try?

It’s a hard question as I have to be selfish choosing one thing because I am 21 and have so much to do/accomplish in my life. I have always been a fun and outgoing person with full enthusiasm and a *Let’s go and Rock it* Spirit. Adventures and fun activities describe me, but I really look forward to doing in my life to provide or build an open space or a shelter house for the stray dogs that live nearby me as animals are the only closest thing to me. I am at my most ease when I’m surrounded by any animal. So I really would want to do that.

How do you want to make an impact in the world?

We all wish to leave our imprints on the world for the good deeds we do and so do I wish to. I want my presence to be cherished for making a change in society for women. The combination of Fashion and Women is still quite unacceptable to many people. I could use the position where I am right now too aware and inspire as spreading the word ahead could be the way for the change to begin. If I was able to reach out even one individual, I would consider myself starting to do good as the seeds are been planted. Women are already emancipated, what is actually required is “A LITTLE PUSH”.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

I am closest to my mother and she has always been there for me in the ups and downs of life (not that I had many). So the best advice would have only been given by Her. She once said, “When you cry, only you know you’re crying; when you laugh, only you know you’re laughing; when you’re sad, only you know you’re sad and the single and only thing which is common in all the phases is YOU, So always be there for you as only you know what you’ve been through! So accept yourself, love yourself!”





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