HimalayanBuzz and SportsFit By MS Dhoni organised Mr Uttarakhand Finale, on Wednesday, 11th July 2018. The mega pageant finale was held inside the colossal Hotel Saffron Leaf. The heartthrob, Akshay Chauhan from Dehradun was declared as the winner of Mr Uttarakhand 2018.

It was a double blast for the hunky guy who hails from Chakrata region in Uttarakhand. How? On the same evening, Akshay won Mr North India contest leaving behind 19 other contestants from different parts of North India.

The judges for the evening were Mr Earth Ambassador Abhishek Kapoor & Mr India Worldwide 2014 Shivanku Bhatt. The pageant began the long way back, having several auditions and subtitle events. Grooming sessions, strict rules and tough competition were the hurdles to name a few.

Akshay presently lives in Sahaspur in Uttarakhand. He is currently pursuing his bachelors and wants to be a successful actor in the future. At the moment he is celebrating the best days of his life, winning two grand titles at the same time.

Grilling for coming ramp walks and fashion shows, his journey to fame has begun in its full glory. He will be travelling and be a part of many reputed fashion shoots and events.

But the journey was not a midnight rise to fame, and Akshay has long been dreaming and giving his best every day for what he has finally achieved. Despite winning a pageant, he wishes to become an actor.




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