In the tranquil city of Dehradun, Anand Kanti found the perfect setting to blend his passion for hospitality with his love for Goa’s vibrant culture. Despite his upbringing in Dehradun, Anand always had aspirations that extended beyond his hometown. Armed with a prestigious filmmaking degree from Mumbai, Anand embarked on a journey that would eventually lead him back to Dehradun, but with a unique vision.

In 2013, Anand launched T-Bistro, a cafe that quickly became a beloved fixture in Dehradun. Inspired by the relaxed, beachy ambiance of Goa, Anand designed T-Bistro as a sanctuary where guests could unwind, socialize, and craft lasting memories. The cafe’s atmosphere, reminiscent of Goa’s beach shacks, offers a refreshing escape from the routine.

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Navigating the challenging food and beverage industry, Anand’s dedication and hands-on management have been pivotal to T-Bistro’s success. The cafe has grown into more than just a dining spot; it represents a community hub where nostalgia and joy blend seamlessly.

T-Bistro’s appeal spans across different age groups, from college students to families, each finding a special connection to the place. Anand’s meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to excellence shine through in every aspect of the cafe. Under his leadership, T-Bistro has evolved into a culinary landmark, resonating emotionally with all who visit.

Anand Kanti’s journey is a testament to how passion, coupled with a unique vision, can transform a local cafe into an iconic symbol of community and culture.

T’Bistro was chosen as the Best Tea Café at Dehradun Food Awards 2024.




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