Delhi’s emerging fashion designer, Shreyansh, has recently launched his highly acclaimed collection, embraced by fashion enthusiasts. The collection, titled ‘Naksh – Essence of Paradise,’ embodies the essence of royalty, fashion, and the cultural richness of India, harmoniously blending it with contemporary trends.
Inspired by the vibrant flora, the collection boasts a captivating aesthetic that truly captures the essence of paradise. The use of a vibrant color palette, along with comfortable styles, complements the garments’ opulence and craftsmanship achieved through intricate embroidery techniques.
Each sherwani is a testament to meticulous attention to detail, featuring exquisite design elements and luxurious fabrics. On the other hand, the Kurtas exude elegant looks that offer both style and comfort.
At Shreyansh Designs, fashion is perceived as a true reflection of identity and heritage. The collection is crafted with affection to evoke a sense of confidence and embrace the essence of masculinity within. Experience perfection with our thoughtfully curated ‘Naksh’ collection, a celebration of Indian cultural splendor and contemporary finesse.